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The end of the PHE: What home health & hospice providers need to know

Read the latest white paper from Sharon Harder, President and CEO, C3 Advisors, LLC, where she covers the most pressing waiver issues and other legislative provisions that were issued during the PHE, and how providers can remain compliant after May 11, 2023.

Home Health Value-Based Purchasing: 8 steps to help build your competitive edge

The national expansion of Home Health Value-Based Purchasing (HHVBP) started its first performance year on January 1, 2023. To support your transition to the new model, we’ve teamed up with experts in home health operations, performance, and technology to help prepare agencies for HHVBP. Use this guide to help your agency succeed under this competitive home health payment structure.
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Home Health and Hospice Compliance Alert: Spring 2023

For nearly two years now, the United States has been in the midst of a PHE which, among other things, introduced a new set of “flexibilities” for providers. Though the current PHE is set to expire on May 11, 2023, there has been an abundance of regulatory activity that will continue to affect home health and hospice providers well into the future. In this compliance alert written by regulatory expert Sharon Harder, we’ll address issues of importance to those leadership teams.
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Setting boundaries as a professional caregiver: How to care without losing yourself

Read the latest white paper from Dr. Carla Cheatham, MA MDiv, PhD, TRT and learn how professional caregivers can set healthy boundaries.
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Opportunities & challenges: The transformation of post-acute care in America

Read the groundbreaking report that reveals how the pandemic changed post-acute care forever. Written by one of post-acute care’s most trusted leaders, Sharon Harder, President of C3 Advisors, LLC, this report reviews the current trends impacting post-acute care providers, now and in the future. Opportunities & challenges: The transformation of post-acute care in America.

The state buyer’s guide to commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software

Many state leaders understand the value of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software that is already market-tested and proven viable. This white paper is designed to help state agencies understand what a true COTS solution entails and the benefits it can offer.

Transfusion service integration with automated testing instruments and distributed storage devices

Many healthcare organizations are using integrated solutions in their day-to-day lab operations, such as automated blood testing and blood distribution solutions. A well-designed integration can enhance safety and speed of delivery. This WellSky resource can help you maximize the value of these integrations.

A framework for coordinated entry

This white paper offers a comprehensive step-by-step blueprint to implement or enhance your CoC’s coordinated entry system to meet the new HUD requirements confidently. It also helps you lead an effective, community-wide planning process to bring a more compassionate, person-focused approach to homelessness.

Critical incident management best practices

People served by Medicaid, aging, disability, and protective agencies are often at increased risk for abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Your state could face liability if you do not have an effective Critical Incident Management System in place. This white paper covers the basics of incident management regulations and best practices.
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Leveraging resource management to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic

In this white paper, you will learn why resource management is important in the everyday operations of healthcare organizations. Readers will learn how resource management helps prevent scheduling conflicts, communication errors, and clinician underuse or overuse.
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COVID-19 from a legal perspective: An eBook for healthcare leaders

In this eBook, Jeffrey S. Baird, JD and Kelly T. Custer, JD breakdown complicated legislation providing guidance that will help healthcare providers argue that they took reasonable steps to protect employees and patients during the COVID-19 pandemic

Understanding distinct part units and why long-term care hospitals

In this white paper, LTACH providers will learn how distinct part units can help diversify patient acuity levels to improve value-based care and positively impact patient outcomes.
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Guidelines to ethically support the spiritual needs of clients

When clients experience profound conditions like homelessness or abuse, conversations around religion and spirituality often arise. Many social workers struggle with what to say. These guidelines can help support a client ethically and beneficially.

Demonstrating conformance with CARF standards

Learn how to collect, analyze, review and focus on data to ensure you receive your inpatient rehabilitation CARF accreditation.

Competing in outpatient rehabilitation

This informative white paper helps practice identify seven different areas that should be optimized to ensure a competitive edge in the market.

5 guides to improving progress notes in your facility

Progress notes are the backbone of documentation. Help your team improve documentation accuracy using these 5 templates.

Optimizing blood bank workflows with Epic EMRs

Patient safety relies on the flow of information. Download this whitepaper for information on how Epic EMR customers can ensure the flow of both inbound and outbound data within their blood bank management system.

Efficient exception management in blood centers

Download this white paper to learn how to manage exceptions, whether small or complex, and develop an efficient process to manage them.

5 Focus Areas for PDPM

The key to success for PDPM is preparation. To prepare for PDPM have your facility focus on the 5 areas covered in this white paper.

How IRF scheduling impacts outcomes, profitability and compliance

This free white paper will help you understand the full cost of scheduling, as well as the impact it has on compliance, patient outcomes, and efficiency.

Medicare competitive bidding round 2021 opening in June. Prepare now.

Learn about the principal program changes and gain a more complete understanding of the new competitive bidding round timeline and changes.
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The promise and potential of the CHRONIC Care Act for community-based agencies

Health care providers have little experience coordinating non-medical care outside of clinical settings. The CHRONIC Care Act facilitates needed change allowing Medicare Advantage plans to partner with community agencies to provide non-medical care for their members. Download now.
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Partnerships between CoCs and health care entities

How CoC and health care entity partnerships are leading to sustainable, successful outcomes for the homeless population. Download now.

The data-driven specialty pharmacy

Learn how the power of data and reporting tools can transform your specialty pharmacy operations.

Seven essentials for an effective quality management program

Jay Bulot, Ph.D., has spent many years helping states implement quality management programs for Medicaid, aging, and disability agencies. He’s summarized seven key essentials of an effective quality management program based on his experiences. Read more.